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Mankini of the Month – Chris Fabritz

What do you do for a living?

I work in a warehouse, shipping and receiving clinical trial study materials. My company handles

clinical trial recruitment, and retention for various patient studies.12183921_10207924389209520_7240016315235047038_o

What kinds of hobbies do you have?

I’m in college for Illustration, I know that’s not a hobby, but it feels like one. Also, eating pizza…Eating

pizza is one of my favorite things to do, anytime of the day! I’ll always be ready for a pizza, especially

a day old, cold slice! And Netflix…Is that a hobby? Fuck it.

What is the reason behind the mankini? Is it a revolution? A freedom movement?

It started as a joke at the 16th Gathering (I feel bad for my boys Mike and Nick; they had to deal with

the Bikini so much in the hotel room and in Walmart). I was using it as a psych out for a beer pong,

tournament which we were subsequently eliminated from in a matter of minutes. So, I was stuck with

this bikini, and I sure as shit wasn’t going to let it go to waste. So, in the spirit of Gotj and all things

weird, I decided to don the bikini permanently, while partying with the fam. However, it became

something so much more on its own, and I think that’s the really cool part about this, the attention

and love for it, just grew, almost instantly and organically! I was all over peoples Facebook feeds,

Instagram’s; Twiztid posted a video of me twerking at their merch booth, on their Instagram page. The

fact that I’m known as “that guy in the bikini” (I wonder how many people know my actual name, and

how many just know Bikini-Man) is not something I ever planned on, and it’s totally cool! There are so

many people who look forward to it, every time they see me, and I try not to disappoint.

I see it as more of a freedom thing, be comfortable with who you are, and don’t give a FUCK what

people think of you! Do your own thing, and never let someone else make you feel like shit because of

who you are, or who you want to be.

What does the mankini mean to you?

Be you. Whatever that may be, be that. Have fun, and don’t let people tell you too grow up. That

Makini, while a spectacle – as well as great as garnering all the attention in the room- is also a “fuck

you” too everyone who judges, and forgot that life is about living. Make some memories, and make

them worthwhile.

Rhinestones or no rhinestones?

Rhinestones…because, why not? I’m tacky, not classy!

Favorite mankini

Pepperoni Pizza

Dream mankini?

Anything that can combine Juggalos and Food

Any special talents besides wearing a mankini?

I can cook bacon in ways you haven’t dreamed of. I can eat entire Large Pizza in under 30 minutes.

Is the mankini your thing from now on or can we expect something new coming up?

For now, it’s definitely my thing, it’s what I’m known for, and it’s my trademark haha. I’ve even got a

brand spanking new one all planned out and designed for Juggalo Day! With the help of a down ass

ninjette, Leslie (she has an Etsy store called Pink Pandemonium, where she makes custom horror,

comic book and music themed accessories. Check it out). I have several ideas for number 17! One of

which you, Bluntmama, helped pick out. It’s gonna get real weird. My goal is too tip toe on that line of too

far and, well, at least he’s not naked.

How did you get involved with the MNE street team?

My friend was the Street Team leader originally, I was helping him out. He stepped down, and I asked

if I could be paired up with the new lead, because I enjoyed what I was doing. They told me they

didn’t have a lead yet, and that they would consider me, if I thought I could hang. So, I took a shot,

and they took a shot on me, and here we are today! Baltimore and DC Majik Ninjas!

Big thanks to Twiztid, Blaze, The ROC, Lex, Aaron, George, and Mike!

What was the first event you promoted on the MNE street team?

Back To Hell: The Darkness Tour at Rams Head Live in Baltimore, MD

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be?

Fuck! This game is always so hard! I’d have to go with…Eve 6-Horroscope


How many gatherings have you attended? Tell us about your first one?

I’ve been too 4, 2012 was my first. Let me tell you, there is nothing that could have prepared me for

the gathering. I mean, every year there’s always first timers asking for advice, but it’s too no avail,

there’ no amount to give a first timer. I don’t think it’s possible to be able too fully put into words

what my first Gathering was like, but I will try. Magic, is the first word that comes to mind, I can

remember just feeling like I stepped into another dimension or some shit, it was crazy. My body

tingled, literally, I was home and I could feel it for the first time. I have never felt so much happiness,

camaraderie, and just genuine love all at the same time. I made so many friends, tasted the cheapest of

vodkas and saw some really nice butts! For 4 days, nothing mattered too me, and I couldn’t be

bothered with what the outside world was doing, the gathering was all that mattered. The best part,

is that it felt like I had been there all along, you know? Like, I had just been away for a couple of days,

I walked up to campsites with random ninjas and drank all sorts of things and just kicked it with all

kinds of people, as if they were my old roommate or something, and they welcomed me with open

arms. I was in awe of all musicians just kicking it with everybody else too, it was really amazing to see

everyone together, no difference in status. I actually feel bad, my first gathering I spent a bunch of

time taking pictures for myself, I wasn’t actually living in the moment many times, but it’s all good, I

definitely got the full Gathering cherry pop. Also, I’d be remiss in my duty if I didn’t tip my hat too

Monroe, for getting me to my first Gathering, thank you sir. There is magic in the air, and I felt every

bit of it, it was hard to leave, as it is every year, and it never gets easier. Oh, I almost forgot, It’s also

where I developed my love for the one and only (you know him as husband) BLUNTMAN! He was a big

part of my first Gathering I was inexperienced and unaware, he definitely helped me out a lot! I’m

getting teary eyed thinking about number 17…Which also falls on my 30th birthday!

Crimson Chin vs. The Tick:

The Tick. Because, SPOON!!!

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