DCG – Game Masters Wanted

As the Dark Carnival Games Con (DCG Con) approaches like rolling thunder, get ready for your wig to start inch-worming around on your skull piece like a slinky, when the website (www.dcgcon.com) launches on January 6th at 9pm! This site will fully detail all the flavor of this 3-day ultimate gaming experience, where you will be able to enjoy countless games to play and challenging tournaments to compete in…But what about if you want to host a gaming event of your own? Well, that’s one of the dopest things about the DCG Con, because along with the numerous sanctioned Psychopathic events, there has been plenty of space set aside for any ninja to host their own gaming event (anything from D&D to Monopoly)! All you need to do is send an email to info@dcgcon.com with your name, phone number, and a brief description of the event you want to host. Someone will then call you to discuss everything in more detail. If your idea is selected to become an official event at DCG Con, then it will be included in the program and website, along with a brief description written by you. What are you waiting for?!? You can host your very own event and make this con even more epic then it’s already going to be! Whoop Whoop!


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