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Juggalette of the Month: Miz Menace

Lette of the Month. When we sit down, read whats on the mind of a true lette, and check out a few of her pictures. This month we talked to Miz Menace. (Photos provided by Miz Menace, main photo is from


Questions are picked from what you ninjas send in. Feel free to hit up our facebook page and drop us a message if there is something you would like us to ask a Lette, or Artist in a interview:


1. How did you get started in modeling? What made you decide that you wanted to model?

Being a little girl i was always watching Americans next top model and was so amazed at what they were doing that i wanted to do it. But i wanted to do it by myself and for the underground not them richy fake mainstream fucks. So i grabbed a camera started out by myself and than met and became friends w. A lot of photographers and other people who have helped me with pictures.

You can check out her facebook page at

2. What was the first ICP song you ever heard? How were you introduced to juggalos?

The first icp song i ever heard was chicken huntin just found em on yahoo music actually when i was in 6th grade. I wasn’t really introduced to juggalos though till about 9th grade when i met my first group of em

3. Besides ICP, what is your favorite underground artist?

Besides icp and all the others my fav underground artist is madchild and dark lotus.

4. How many Gatherings have you attended? Do you have a favorite memory of the Gathering that sticks out in your mind?

After this year i have been to 7 gatherings and my first will always stick out to me. I’ve gotta a bunch of memories from all gatherings but my first i got hit in the head with a margarita bucket during abk and was lucky enough to have spent it with homies that i had just met at the gathering and still talk to this day.

5. How did you start working with Bluntman’s One Stop Shop at the Gathering?

I started working with bluntmans one stop shop last year after his beautiful wife hit me up helping me out of a really tough situation. I loved it and i honestly dont think ill ever quit unless they tell me otherwise. Its a blast working there.

6. If you were stranded on an island, and you could be stranded with either Macho Man Randy Savage or Hulk Hogan, which would you chose and why?

Umm lmao I’m not really a wrestling kinda gal but ill go w. Hulk Hogan. Idk just cuz he’s an icon i grew up too lmao.

7. Batman or Superman?

Spiderman of course

8.) Finally, if you were only allowed to eat one food item for an ENTIRE year, what would you pick?

Man yall asking a hard question here. Food come on lol! Id prob die cuz i don’t think i could just eat one food but if i had to pick i guess…. chicken fingers. Yeah. I like chicken. *giggles* i seem to always eat chicken fingers at the gotj just becomes something i crave. So ill just say chicken fingers lol

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