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Juggalo Robert Ward rescues 6 people in deadly New Mexico Greyhound bus crash

By Mankini

I don’t know how many of you heard, but for those that haven’t, there was a really bad bus crash in New Mexico that killed eight people. Normally, we wouldn’t cover these kinds of things, but a Juggalo by the name of Robert Ward put his life on the line to rescue six of the passengers. One of those passengers was pregnant with twins, and as of this writing those twins have been delivered (premature) and after doing well. As for Robert, he’s got some injuries, but he’s doing well, all things considered. His heroics and bravery definitely do not go unnoticed, and, even in the tragedy that is those six lives lost, we got the birth of those twins. Our deepest condolences to the families of those lost. And a speedy recovery to everyone else involved in the crash. A big thank you to the Juggalo homie Robert, for risking his life, to save the lives of others. Below you’ll find the full article from ABC15 Arizona

From ABC15:

The deadly Greyhound bus and semi accident in New Mexico has left dozens injured and eight people dead.

Survivors are slowly coming to grips with the loss, but they also have reflected on moments of hope.

“I was watching out the window with my headphones on,” said Robert Ward, who was a passenger on the bus.

He saw the semi coming.

“[It] came up on one side set of wheels, swerved into our lane and just hit us dead on,” he said.

“I saw people just spitting blood everywhere, screaming,” said Ward.

His leg was injured, but his adrenaline kicked in.

“I carried a pregnant woman through the window. I carried eight people off the bus, some of them are a little heavier than me. It wasn’t easy,” he said.

Minutes later, paramedics arrived and Ward began livestreaming on Facebook.

“Thank God I got the kids off the bus safe, there were so many kids hurt on the bus,” he said, while frantically filming the scene on his phone.

He saved even more children than he realized. The pregnant woman he rescued gave birth hours after the accident in the nearby hospital.

“She gave birth around one or two in the morning. One boy and one girl. They are two months premature but they’re actually fairly healthy,” said Ward.

The newborn’s father visited the family’s hero in the same hospital.

“He came downstairs gave me like four or five hugs,” said Ward, talking about the reunion with the pregnant woman’s husband.

Amidst the most horrific moments of their lives, people were rising to their best.

Josh Jones saw Robert and other’s courage firsthand while lying in the wreckage.

“The firefighters here, the police officers, they’ve been nothing but the greatest people,” said Jones.

The reality that eight people died on their bus will always be there for Josh and Robert, but so will the moments of bravery and sacrifice.

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